April 2022 Release Notes

Snowflake Admin Access

If you are an admin on your Mozart Data account, you can now access your Snowflake admin account credentials.
Please note that this does not apply for trial accounts. If you are on a trial and wish to have Snowflake account admin access, please contact support@mozartdata.com

Warehouse Improvements

Search: Each schema in the warehouse page will now show how many tables within the schema match your search term. 
Schemas will be collapsed by default. The schemas will expand to show specific matching results if the results are narrowed down to 30 or fewer tables within that schema.

In this screenshot, Google analytics and Shopify have expanded because there are <30 matching tables within each schema.


Warehouse Column Display: Columns can now be dragged to your desired width. This is especially helpful if you are struggling to view long table names.

Before column resizing:

After column resizing: