Understanding Usage

The Usage page shows your Mozart Data account's connector, data warehouse compute, and data warehouse storage usage. We use Fivetran for data extraction for Connectors, and Snowflake for data warehouse compute and storage.

The menu linking to the usage page appears when you click the User icon in the top-right corner:

You should see 3 tabs for the Usage page that help break down your Connector, Compute, and Storage usage respectively.

Check out these articles to learn more about each resource usage:

1. Connector

2. Compute

3. Storage

Connector Usage

In the Connector tab, you can see can see the Monthly Active Rows (MAR) associated with each Connector you have syncing to your data warehouse.

MAR is defined as any rows that are added to or updated in your data warehouse within a calendar month period. A row can only be counted once for a specific calendar month. This means that:

  • Any new row added to your data warehouse is counted as 1 MAR for the calendar month in which it was added. Any updates to that row during that same month will not add additional MAR.
  • If a row is updated multiples times within a calendar month, it only counts once for the MAR calculation.
  • If a row is updated at least once within multiple calendar months, it counts as 1 MAR for each month.

Here's an example. A row is:

  • Added to your data warehouse in February
  • Updated 1 time in February
  • Updated 3 times in March
  • Not updated in April
  • Updated 2 times in May

This would equate to:

  • 1 MAR for February
  • 1 MAR for March
  • 0 MAR for April
  • 1 MAR for May

Here's a list of some cases that don't count towards your MAR:

  • Initial Connector syncs
  • The first 14 days of syncs for a specific Connector
  • Historical re-syncs

It is common to have spike in MAR usage on the first day of every month because many data sources will update certain rows on a daily basis. As a result, these rows will all get counted towards MAR on the first day of the month.

Here is some more in-depth documentation from Fivetran:
Consumption Based Pricing
Service Consumption Table
Monthly Active Rows vs. Total Synced Rows

Your MAR data is refreshed every 12 hours, at 12a UTC and 12p UTC. As such, the time zone for the MAR usage shown in the Connectors Usage section is also in UTC.

Compute Usage

In the Compute tab, you can see can see the Snowflake compute credits associated with the Transform, BI, and ad hoc queries running in your data warehouse.

The credits shown in the Compute tab are comprised of Snowflake compute credits and cloud services credits.

Compute credits are the credits used to run your Transform, BI, and ad hoc queries. A compute credit equates to a full hour of XS-sized warehouse usage. However, credits are bill per-second, with a 60-second minimum. After the 60-second minimum is met, all subsequent billing is per-second. We default to the XS warehouse size. If you would like to increase your warehouse size, reach out to support@mozartdata.com

Cloud services credits are the credits used to run a cloud services layer that coordinate activities across Snowflake. These services tie together all of the different components of Snowflake in order to process user requests, from login to query dispatch.

Here is some more in-depth documentation from Snowflake:
Understanding Snowflake Virtual Warehouse, Storage, and Cloud Services Usage

Your warehouse compute data is refreshed daily at 12a UTC. As such, the time zone for the credit data shown in the Compute tab is in UTC, and the data you see there is representative of all compute usage up until 11:59p UTC of the prior day.

Storage Usage

In the Storage tab, you can see can see the amount of on-disk gigabytes stored in your Snowflake account. This includes:

  • Files stored in Snowflake locations for bulk data loading/unloading.
  • Data stored in database tables
  • Historical data maintained for Fail-safe

Here is some more in-depth documentation from Snowflake:
Understanding Snowflake Virtual Warehouse, Storage, and Cloud Services Usage

The monthly values shown in the Storage tab are an average of your overall storage usage for that month, which is what we use for billing. The daily values are the storage usage value for that day.

Your warehouse storage data is refreshed daily at 12a UTC. As such, the time zone for the storage data shown in the Storage tab is in UTC, and the data you see there is representative of all storage usage up until 11:59p UTC of the prior day.


If you have any questions about how to use or understand the Usage section beyond what's published here, please reach out to support@mozartdata.com